Inglese infantile :P

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Sasuke Kid
00venerdì 21 aprile 2006 11:07
vi capitava mai da piccoli di storpiare l'inglese o di inventarvelo per cantare?

io per esempio usavo le seguenti parole per simulare QUALUNQUE testo : sani, craschi, frinen, nembi!

che idiotaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [SM=g27976]
ve lo immaginate tipo che ne so... "Hey Jude"

"hey judeee frinen nembi...
crashi saniiiiiiii frinen nembiii
sani craschi, nembi frinen saniii
crashi nembiii, nembi frineeeen"

ahahahhaha [SM=g27976]: [SM=g27976] [SM=g27976] [SM=g27976]
00venerdì 21 aprile 2006 11:10

Scritto da: Sasuke Kid 21/04/2006 11.07
vi capitava mai da piccoli di storpiare l'inglese o di inventarvelo per cantare?

io per esempio usavo le seguenti parole per simulare QUALUNQUE testo : sani, craschi, frinen, nembi!

che idiotaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [SM=g27976]
ve lo immaginate tipo che ne so... "Hey Jude"

"hey judeee frinen nembi...
crashi saniiiiiiii frinen nembiii
sani craschi, nembi frinen saniii
crashi nembiii, nembi frineeeen"

ahahahhaha [SM=g27976]: [SM=g27976] [SM=g27976] [SM=g27976]

ma tu cantavi nella lingua perduta di Atlantide e non te ne accorgevi! [SM=x455268]
p.s. io lo faccio pure adesso.... sto fatto che per cantare bisogna seguire le parole mi è sempre stato sulla punta da morire [SM=x455286]

00venerdì 21 aprile 2006 11:26
ti potrei postare un pomeriggio di chat fatto con mia sorella il 10 agosto con un caldo pazzesco. Alberto Sordi con l'inglese maccheronico mi fa unna pippa. Ancora oggi quando lo rileggo mi ricordo le lacrime agli occhi.
cmq, non che il mio inglese reale sia tanto diverso [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285]
00sabato 22 aprile 2006 20:37
Ho ritrovato solo ora il file. Fate conto che era agosto, dopo 8 ore chiusi in ufficio entrambe senza clima, storditi dalla noia e in cerca di qualcosa da fare per tirare le 18.00.

pulce78_it: because tou are stupid?
gaspardos: you too???
pulce78_it: very very much
gaspardos: ah sorry. it's a genetical problem???
pulce78_it: why your mother is a crazy woman?
gaspardos: because it's crasched onto the floor when was young???
gaspardos: it's probably
pulce78_it: why the time scor lentament
gaspardos: she has not a good equilibrio on the saponet in the shower
gaspardos: made a bath instead???
pulce78_it: pay attenction to raccogl the saponet in the sower
gaspardos: what michia you tell me????
pulce78_it: if you raccogli the saponet you feel a big brucior in your fondoschien
gaspardos: i'm crazy for smile, please time-out only one minute because the neuro is near!!!
pulce78_it: my colleg think i'm not normal i smile in front of the screen
pulce78_it: thing somtehing of negative
gaspardos: i'm lacrimando and keep the pancia with the hands
pulce78_it: your motor bike is crash
gaspardos: i'think nothing that you say will happen
pulce78_it: you take a pantent and meet the policeman
gaspardos: i'm patent and flash the light to the poice car into the bigstreet
gaspardos: but they stop in front of me.....
pulce78_it: and you stop into the police car
gaspardos: yes but i have a kasko
gaspardos: and so, i broken his cock head
pulce78_it: the policeman said"why you fly on 1 meter of ground?"
pulce78_it: you said "i don't kow i don't see the contakilometers!!!2
gaspardos: beacause a two piece of shit of policeman, stop thew car without see again behind
gaspardos: what speed?? the R6 not have the speed indicator!!!
pulce78_it: azz, what's the problem
pulce78_it: the radar said that you fly about 215??!!!
gaspardos: i see the tree near the street, count this end then calculate the velocity
gaspardos: the radar is carzy!?!?!?
pulce78_it: well them i think your motorbike is sequestrata
pulce78_it: an you cominc a cammina'
gaspardos: why?? it's mine!!!! I pay with my money!!
gaspardos: sudor of front and the other part of body!!!
pulce78_it: about money your mult in intorn a of dollars
pulce78_it: but if you are a friends.....
gaspardos: it's holiday?? can I have a saldi??
pulce78_it: i close one of my oc
gaspardos: yes..and open the hole of cul
pulce78_it: if you take my terrible naples sister ad married her
pulce78_it: she is terrible but very very simpathetic
gaspardos: i passed the sound barrier but it's not too much the enjuried??
gaspardos: if i pass the light wall???
pulce78_it: this is not a difficul mission is a impossible mission
gaspardos: tana na na nana ta nanana
gaspardos: tanana
gaspardos: this multa destroy you in 5 second
gaspardos: 5
gaspardos: 4
gaspardos: 3
gaspardos: 2
gaspardos: 1
pulce78_it: bomm
gaspardos: the policeman is died??
pulce78_it: all police are died
gaspardos: but the losc figure in near me??
gaspardos: it's my sister!!!
gaspardos: ehi
pulce78_it: now you make a "sparo" on the street
gaspardos: 'ndo cazzo vai con la mia moto!!!
gaspardos: stop
pulce78_it: bye
pulce78_it: bye
gaspardos: ferate!!!
pulce78_it: it's 4 o clock, fantastic
pulce78_it: only 1 1/2 hours
gaspardos: we have trasmitted a crazy afteroon in milano
pulce78_it: the drug can be take at office
gaspardos: if you know the drug......
gaspardos: you use it!!!!
pulce78_it: but if you don't know??!!!
pulce78_it: a mew messag on the post
pulce78_it: who is it?
gaspardos: good notice??
pulce78_it: it's ripamonti whit his stroinzate i replay you
gaspardos: noo
gaspardos: i have not a free space
pulce78_it: yes
pulce78_it: sorry
pulce78_it: you dowload the posta
pulce78_it: sometimes you must work
gaspardos: the every people in the world read this conversation
gaspardos: because i'm inserting all in my site
pulce78_it: well i thing the policeman wait atr home
pulce78_it: the tell ring!!!!
pulce78_it: one then wrong number
gaspardos: what yo say now??
pulce78_it: one people call here, but he/she wrong number of telephone
gaspardos: there's a lot of stupid around you
gaspardos: matiz, designed around you
pulce78_it: yes sopratutt in my family
gaspardos: have you see herself on the glass??
pulce78_it: yes all the mornig and i said what a beatiful girl
gaspardos: yes but before you see, delete the poster of models and pornostars
pulce78_it: i thing you are a big big big piece of shit
gaspardos: why??
pulce78_it: because you make a wrong pubblicity of your sister
gaspardos: I???
gaspardos: you!!!
pulce78_it: well well if i meet a top models i don't present you
gaspardos: are you very stronz again
pulce78_it: i go to make a pipi
gaspardos: made all of course
pulce78_it: my balls are break
gaspardos: mine too
pulce78_it: there is not sun
pulce78_it: probaby rain
gaspardos: when??
pulce78_it: tonight
gaspardos: i can't see the window
gaspardos: the shop is colsed??
gaspardos: closed??
pulce78_it: i don't i caal on 039 ecc
pulce78_it: oppu allo 0362?
gaspardos: on 362
pulce78_it: wait
gaspardos: refer me soon
pulce78_it: open all agost from 14.00 to 19.30
gaspardos: ok then i go to the shop now???
pulce78_it: now?
gaspardos: 30 minutes
pulce78_it: 1 hour
pulce78_it: i come to home for eat?
gaspardos: i say the bugia and go out before the 17.30
gaspardos: no i eat with fede
pulce78_it: you retur to sleep
gaspardos: it's open on renato or arcore??
gaspardos: renate
pulce78_it: 039?
gaspardos: it's arcore
pulce78_it: wait i call
gaspardos: are you rincoglioniten???
pulce78_it: yes
pulce78_it: on 039/6015021 don't answer
gaspardos: ok
gaspardos: and 0362?
gaspardos: ok ok i'll go to renate when come back to ALcatel so the km pay the chief end not I
pulce78_it: at 0362 a call prima
pulce78_it: it's open
pulce78_it: i said you
gaspardos: yes but if i go there i buy the r6 with Diners
gaspardos: it' too dangerous!!!!
pulce78_it: give me a diners
gaspardos: are you sure?
pulce78_it: yes!!!!!!!!1
gaspardos: it's not need a key to buy!!!
pulce78_it: what?
gaspardos: you don't digit any code to use the card
pulce78_it: yes i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gaspardos: of course but i know too
gaspardos: so....
gaspardos: you see the diners with cannocchiale
pulce78_it: why you don't have fiducia in your sister???
gaspardos: no
gaspardos: nien
gaspardos: niet
pulce78_it: why?
gaspardos: beacuse you have most expensive hobby
pulce78_it: noo, i stay quiet at home
gaspardos: yes because the internet boy is too stupid to exit with you
pulce78_it: yes it's very stupit, but tonight he call me
pulce78_it: uff
gaspardos: it's a small broke of coglions or wrong??
pulce78_it: why a normal boy don't out whit me
gaspardos: see you again??
pulce78_it: yes it a smmall small piece of shit
gaspardos: you are very cattiva!!!
pulce78_it: i'm very good
pulce78_it: pura e casta
gaspardos: if you stay at home with my diner you phone to all reclame in tv
pulce78_it: yes a buy a hydroclean
gaspardos: and then the sgabuzzino boom
pulce78_it: you think that on the tv sell motorbike?
gaspardos: i' hope not
gaspardos: garelli with gino e pino???
pulce78_it: i prefer buster
pulce78_it: with buffalo
gaspardos: ok I buy the R6 and you the ciao without marmitta??
pulce78_it: certanly
gaspardos: do you think how you said to zia that you and I buy the motorbike and go fast into the stree???
pulce78_it: no, why ?it's no important
gaspardos: are you sure??
pulce78_it: yes yes
gaspardos: ok if the problem comes, i sleep into the box
gaspardos: with my bike
pulce78_it: i thing, but you go to your granmother
gaspardos: no no i sleep into the box because the wall don't made any rumor in the night
pulce78_it: with or without the kasko?
gaspardos: with with
gaspardos: i come back home and then go to the fede
pulce78_it: ok
pulce78_it: we not stend the panni on the washing machines
pulce78_it: must a risciaq
gaspardos: yes, i remember this mornign when i saw the police
gaspardos: he as like as a copridivano
pulce78_it: ????
gaspardos: the policeman is similar as copridivano because the betoniera splat him
gaspardos: into the gorund
gaspardos: ground
pulce78_it: and them?
pulce78_it: you have a complicate mind
gaspardos: the copridivano have the same piegoline of policeman
gaspardos: and the i remember the panni into the wash
gaspardos: it's to simple to learn
gaspardos: why you don't copriendi??
pulce78_it: why you don't invite the policeman at home i change the copridivano
gaspardos: because the blood
pulce78_it: i lost the use of word because i don't speak formo this moorning
gaspardos: don't be afraid
pulce78_it: if this moornig i come to work with moto i take a lot of water
pulce78_it: the sky in black
gaspardos: the very motorbiker join drive with water
gaspardos: are you gnè gnè??
pulce78_it: you friends are gne gne
gaspardos: not i hope
pulce78_it: i prin this conversation
gaspardos: i save this conversation
gaspardos: isent all to the paolo pino hotles
pulce78_it: i go to take a printi
pulce78_it: it's 7 pages
gaspardos: how many pages??
gaspardos: oh you look into my mind
pulce78_it: yes i'm subdola
gaspardos: no you are without brain
pulce78_it: probably
gaspardos: you friend Fede told me that: but you fon't have anything to do??
gaspardos: it' s invidia!?!?!
pulce78_it: yes
pulce78_it: i thik so
gaspardos: write him two sweet word because i'are alone
gaspardos: you're alone
gaspardos: sorry
pulce78_it: yes i'm alone, but not disperated
gaspardos: why don't you sent this to Miss Pisaniello???
pulce78_it: she is very happy
pulce78_it: my english teacher no
gaspardos: yes, happy to know that two of her student are alive and stupid
pulce78_it: on september we go to scool with moto
pulce78_it: with statale 35
gaspardos: oh good idea
gaspardos: no, with superstrada to crash the autovelox
pulce78_it: if you don't have the patent you don't go on superstreet
gaspardos: if the law don't break the ball I'll go to Alcatel with moto
pulce78_it: the autovelox know that you havn't the patent
gaspardos: it's a long circuit
gaspardos: it's too intelligent??
gaspardos: this is sfiga
pulce78_it: and 3 years without pantent too
gaspardos: again???
gaspardos: no thanks
pulce78_it: why there is not 2 without 3
gaspardos: and the 4 mona it's come herself
gaspardos: beauty this....
pulce78_it: the last week come bak the terrons
gaspardos: it's cabaret
gaspardos: there's a two beautiful free agent near the car......
gaspardos: she's change me a tyre??
pulce78_it: what?
pulce78_it: propably
gaspardos: i hope because the car without tyre don't camina
gaspardos: but i think if i stop the car and ask her something the pula fuck the car and I go to rebibbia
pulce78_it: i think so
gaspardos: are you ready to go home?
pulce78_it: yes i ceck the mail and i swicht off all
gaspardos: ok.
pulce78_it: bye
gaspardos: i'm waiting the last mail form fede
gaspardos: from fede and then copy you
gaspardos: last 12 minutes
gaspardos: it's too strange work in these days
pulce78_it: yes it' booring
pulce78_it: but is finish
gaspardos: sent this to mirqual??
pulce78_it: why?
gaspardos: beacause his brain is not formatted
pulce78_it: but if you send this to miko he scopre me that i'm your sister
gaspardos: smile last time before tha work
gaspardos: do you want made a gabola???
gaspardos: sudbol woman
gaspardos: subdol
gaspardos: bastard inside
pulce78_it: no, i'm a serious person
gaspardos: ok ok, i save this and sent another time
pulce78_it: i close all and i go to haome
gaspardos: bye bye
pulce78_it: bye
gaspardos: see you later
Yahoo! Messenger: pulce78_it si è disconnesso.

[SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285]
00domenica 23 aprile 2006 11:33
[SM=g27976] [SM=g27976] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455265] [SM=x455265]
Ma questa conversazione è favolosa!!
00domenica 23 aprile 2006 11:56

Scritto da: Gigi' 23/04/2006 11.33
[SM=g27976] [SM=g27976] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455265] [SM=x455265]
Ma questa conversazione è favolosa!!

grazie grazie.... [SM=x455282] [SM=x455282]

peccato che il mio inglese sia veramente così [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285]
00domenica 23 aprile 2006 13:18
uahahahah che ridereeeeeeeeee
[SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285] [SM=x455285]

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